Learning Styles and Objectives

Learning Everest regularly publishes articles on Learning Styles and Objectives which are information rich and provides the readers opportunity to ask questions. If you want us to assist your organization to identify the best learning styles or to write learning objectives for your courses, please feel to schedule a meeting to discuss your learning requirements

6 Common Instructional Design Challenges in Corporate Training

2024-03-22T10:29:04+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Needs, Learning Styles and Objectives|

Instructional designing, while rewarding, also comes with its challenges. After all, designing effective and engaging learning experiences takes a complicated mix of skills, sensibilities, and empathic design thinking. Some instructional design challenges are easy to manage, while others can turn into barriers to meaningful learning. One way to mitigate this is to go into projects expecting hitches and being mentally prepared to handle them. Here are 6 of the most common instructional design challenges you might encounter.

3 Signs You Need Instructional Designing

2024-03-01T15:52:05+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Needs, Learning Styles and Objectives|

Instructional designing is the process of creating learning experiences that are effective as well as engaging. Instructional designers (IDs) are often likened to architects of the learning process as they are responsible for structuring the content and sequence of learning. While instructional design in its various forms is commonly seen in schooling and academics, it is also a vital part of corporate training. All leading businesses today have in-house instructional designers or outsource the service from vendors. If you are on the fence about instructional designing, this article "3 Signs You Need Instructional Designing" will give you 3 signs that might indicate or be a good starting point for considering professional instructional designing.ย 

How to Identify Soft Skills Gaps with Training Needs Analysis

2024-04-03T13:18:37+05:30Categories: Learning Culture, Learning Needs, Learning Styles and Objectives|

Soft skills are slowly becoming essential competencies that employers want in their employees. However, a vast majority of working professionals tend to have some (or many) soft skills gaps. The good news is that these skills gaps can easily be bridged with the right soft skills training. But before building training programs, businesses need to evaluate which soft skills their workforce lacks. This is why training efforts need to begin with a training needs analysis (TNA) as the first step. This article will show you how to identify soft skills gaps using TNA so your business can upskill its employees with highly relevant soft skills training.

Role of eLearning in creating Cultural Intelligence in organization?

2024-03-01T15:49:30+05:30Categories: Learning Culture, Learning Needs, Learning Styles and Objectives|

Do you want to leverage eLearning in creating cultural intelligence? Then, you are in the right place. In this article, we discuss how eLearning can effectively foster cultural intelligence and create a more inclusive workplace.ย 

Benefits of Cultural Intelligence in Business Environment

2024-08-12T09:03:27+05:30Categories: Learning Culture, Learning Needs, Learning Styles and Objectives, Onboarding Training|

Are you aware of the organizational benefits of cultural intelligence? Nowadays, organizations hire a diverse workforce. When it sounds great sitting in a diversity workshop, it becomes equally difficult when it comes to dealing with day-to-day challenges. It all comes down to the cultural intelligence, also known as the Cultural Quotient (CQ) of the employees. In this article, we discuss the key benefits of cultural intelligence.ย 

5 Instructional Design Benefits to Consider

2024-05-22T09:38:44+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Needs, Learning Styles and Objectives|

Instructional designing is the process of creating learning experiences that fulfill learning objectives and are pleasant and enjoyable for learners. It deals with structuring information in logical ways, applying learning theories and principles for maximum effectiveness, and presenting information in a way that appeals to learners. Instructional design is an essential step in building effective training programs and without it, training efforts will fall flat. Here are 5 instructional design benefits to highlight just how important curated learning experiences are.ย ย 

5 Reasons Why You Need Realistic Learning Objectives

2024-03-18T18:38:05+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Needs, Learning Styles and Objectives|

When designing a training program, it is important that you set realistic learning objectives. While ambition is welcome in organizational development in general, learning objectives need to be concrete and set achievable expectations for learners and management alike. They influence everything from instructional design and assessment effectiveness to learnersโ€™ emotional states and overall experience while taking the course.ย  Thus, learning objectives are foundational in creating compelling training modules that produce the desired change in learners. This article will give you 5 reasons why realistic learning objectives are important.ย 

4 Importance of Measurable Learning Objectives

2024-05-10T11:39:23+05:30Categories: Learning Styles and Objectives|

Measurable learning objectives are the foundation of effective course design. Without them, instructional materials run the risk of lacking direction, purpose, and impact. Writing measurable learning objectives is an intricate task but itโ€™s a skill set every L&D professional and educator needs to have. Often, having measurable or non-measurable learning objectives makes all the difference in the eventual learning outcomes of a course. This article will break down the concept of measurable learning objectives for you so you can take your course designs to the next level and highlight their importance in the learning process for learners.