Onboarding Training

Learning Everest regularly publishes articles on the tools, techniques, tips and tricks of creating engaging and immersive Onboarding Trainings which are information rich and provides the readers opportunity to ask questions. If you want us to assist your organization to create engaging and immersive Onboarding Training courses, please feel to schedule a meeting to discuss your learning requirements.

Benefits of Cultural Intelligence in Business Environment

2024-03-01T15:48:49+05:30Categories: Learning Culture, Learning Needs, Learning Styles and Objectives, Onboarding Training|

Are you aware of the organizational benefits of cultural intelligence? Nowadays, organizations hire a diverse workforce. When it sounds great sitting in a diversity workshop, it becomes equally difficult when it comes to dealing with day-to-day challenges. It all comes down to the cultural intelligence, also known as the Cultural Quotient (CQ) of the employees. In this article, we discuss the key benefits of cultural intelligence. 

5 Important Benefits of Scenario-based Learning

2024-03-01T15:17:19+05:30Categories: Learning Culture, Learning Needs, Onboarding Training, Scenario Based Learning|

In this article you will understand everything you need to know about scenario-based learning, including the types of scenario-based learning, what is a scenario and, benefits of scenario-based learning.

16 Great Leadership qualities in corporate that you need to excel

2024-03-01T15:16:32+05:30Categories: Learning Culture, Learning Needs, Onboarding Training|

Managerial and leadership skills are essential to excel in the corporate world. Whether you want to start your business or reach a higher position in the corporate world, you must know how to effectively lead and manage a group of people. Displaying leadership qualities involves having various skills and qualities that help you perform your job easier. The considerable skills a leader should possess include both hard and soft skills.  

Adapting Instructor-Led New-Hire Training Programs into Quick and Effective Microlearning Courses

2024-03-01T15:09:08+05:30Categories: Case Studies, Onboarding Training|

This case study is about a law enforcement agency in the US and how they adapted instructor-led New-Hire Training Programs into quick and effective microlearning courses.

Drive Learning Culture Through Knowledge Sharing – 5 Critical Ways

2024-04-03T13:22:26+05:30Categories: Learning Culture, Learning Needs, Onboarding Training|

A learning culture is an organizational mindset of continuous acquisition and sharing of information among employees and departments. Knowledge sharing, which is the exchange of information among people and entities, drives learning cultures further. In learning cultures, knowledge and information are valuable community resources that level the playing field for employees and develop overall organizational competence. Knowledge sharing in a learning culture also allows for more internal hiring, thereby resulting in greater employee retention. Saving costs on hiring then opens up space for the business to invest in other operations. In this article, we will go over 5 tips that will help you drive an organizational learning culture through knowledge sharing. 

4 Clear Reasons Why Social Learning is Essential for Learning Cultures

2024-03-01T15:04:18+05:30Categories: Learning Culture, Onboarding Training|

When talking about learning cultures, there is often a greater emphasis on individual learning as compared to social learning. However, countless definitions of learning cultures touch upon the social aspect of learning as a key driver of organizational learning. Without shared knowledge and team learning, businesses cannot successfully establish a learning culture since learning in a vacuum only goes so far. In fact, even enterprises without a learning culture heavily rely on collaboration among departments and team members for meeting business targets and overcoming challenges. This article will go over 4 reasons why social learning is vital to an organizational learning culture and should be a mainstay of L&D strategy. 

11 Effective Modes for Employee Onboarding

2024-03-01T14:39:49+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, Onboarding Training|

Understanding the effective modes for employee onboarding is an important part of an organization’s growth and success. With the importance of effective employee onboarding apparent, the next step is to pick the right employee onboarding methods that are ideal for your overall organization and individual team members. This blog will give you a list of different employee onboarding methods to understand and choose from.

Onboarding – 7 Mistakes Recruiters Should Avoid

2024-03-01T14:37:30+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, Onboarding Training|

What, according to you, can make onboarding effective and productive? The quality of training? The completion rates? Whatever factors you think are relevant for an effective onboarding, here are a few things to remember to make the new hire’s onboarding experience as smooth, welcoming, and productive as possible. Here are a few mistakes recruiters should avoid: