Do you want to increase the completion rates of sales and marketing training? How do you get more employees to finish your sales and marketing training course and get the maximum value from it? In this blog, we will share a few ways to increase their course completion rates. Let us get started.

Here are a few ways to increase the completion rates of sales and marketing training:

1. Set clear objectives

Your learners’ expectations from the sales and marketing course are important in determining its completion rates. If your course content does not deliver on the promises, learners will likely lose interest and leave it unfinished. Therefore, it is crucial to clearly spell out who your course is for. It should list the different use scenarios of the training course and highlight the key traits of the employee, ideally placing the training skills.

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Also, add a module-by-module breakup of the course, the content types you will leverage to deliver your course content, and the other critical details of the course to help your prospects decide if it is suitable for them.

2. Use different content types in your course

Training courses can quickly become monotonous and boring if all your content is in the same format. So, to increase the completion rates of sales and marketing training, consider using relevant images, infographics, videos, PDFs, text lessons, audio clips, voice-overs, and other content formats to deliver your course content. If most of your training course is text-based, try adding some meaningful videos so that your learners do not find it monotonous and unengaging.

3. Break down your course into smaller chunks

The best way is to create different course modules within your course that represent different topics. Then break down the modules into multiple sessions that contain your video or text content. Doing this helps your learners navigate around your course content easily and increases the completion rates of your training.

Moving from one module to another keeps the learners motivated and engaged throughout the course. Similarly, make your text content easier to retain by using smaller paragraphs, sub-headings, bullet points, etc. If a lesson gets longer, consider breaking it down into smaller chunks.

4. Improve your course accessibility

Learners who enrol in online courses are often busy professionals looking to upskill during their free time. They do not always have the time to sit in front of a laptop screen to watch their courses. Therefore, you need to ensure that your courses are accessible on other devices as well. Users should also be able to log in and continue watching the course content from where they left off.

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Training course platforms should be mobile-responsive, which means if you host the courses on any of them, your learners will be able to access the content easily across devices. These platforms should also ensure that your learner’s progress is recorded in the cloud, so they do not have to worry about losing track of the course while switching devices.

5. Offer rewards on course completion

An effective way to increase the course completion rates of sales and marketing training is to provide special bonuses for completing the course. For instance, you can provide a one-on-one bonus session to the first few learners who finish the course and all related quizzes and assignments. Or you can offer access to other courses to the first few learners who complete your course. Such incentives motivate learners to keep learning and improve the course completion rates of sales and marketing training.

6. Award completion certificates

Certificates are an excellent way to motivate learners to complete the training course because they make them look credible. They can proudly feature certificates on their social media, wave them to get clients, and command respect among their audiences. Similarly, awarding badges to learner profiles makes them stand out from their peers and is an excellent, motivating tool to make your learners work harder. You can also create leaderboards for different modules or the overall course performance to increase the completion rates of sales and marketing training. Many organizations, including Google, Facebook, etc., motivate learners to complete courses by offering certifications.

7. Add synchronous sessions to the mix

You can significantly increase your course engagement and completion rates by adding a few live sessions to the mix. Live sessions are much more engaging than recorded videos because they give your learners a chance to interact with you and pick your brains directly. It is also a good opportunity to tell your learners the importance of finishing the course. Such engagements can go a long way in improving your course completion rates.

You can host a live session a week after releasing a module to check in with your learners. Or you could host a live Q&A call at the end of every module where your learners send their questions, share their challenges, and seek advice. You can include the recordings of these Q&A calls as bonus content the next time you open your course enrollments. However, you need to find the most suitable time slot if your learners are in different time zones.

8. Include quizzes and assignments with every module

To ensure they are learning something, make quizzes and short assignments a part of your course content. Use multiple-choice questions and open-ended questions to gauge your learner’s understanding of the topic at the end of each module. Grade the quizzes and assignments, and provide feedback that can help them grow. It would help to understand how much people are learning from the course content and act as a motivation for your learners to try harder.

Ultimately, this leads to greater learner engagement which is important to achieve high completion rates. It also leads to greater learning when done right. It is one of the most research-supported techniques for helping learners stick.

But have you used any other techniques to increase the completion rates of sales and marketing training? Are any not listed here? Let us know.


8 Ways to Increase the Completion Rates of Sales and Marketing Training

8 Ways to Increase the Completion Rates of Sales and Marketing Training

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